
Choosing to enhance your 赌钱app可以微信提现 educational experience with honors means enhancing a fantastic education by taking on challenging coursework and engaging in co-curricular experiences — all while maintaining a competitive GPA.

最重要的是, joining the 荣誉 Program means joining a community of curious and ambitious scholars who are supported in their endeavors by our attentive staff and special honors counseling.


作为学生参加荣誉课程, 制定荣誉合同, 参与探索体验, 公开演讲, 或者在作品集中反思他们的荣誉之路, 他们将获得积分. 荣誉 students are supported as they choose the path that accommodates their curricular constraints while enhancing their 赌钱app可以微信提现 experience. The point system empowers students to own their honors experience and make it entirely their own.

以优异成绩毕业, students will be expected to take the 荣誉 Seminar (HON 100) in their first year in the program, to choose an 荣誉论坛 (HON 250) that meets their interest and to earn 20 points over the course of their 赌钱app可以微信提现 degree. 



The 荣誉项目 offers many courses every semester that satisfy general education requirements.

学生可以参加engl121:作文i -荣誉课程, 写作ii -荣誉, COMS 121:公众演讲——每学期都会获得荣誉.

在秋季学期, the 荣誉项目 commonly offers EVRN 130: Environmental Science-荣誉 and EVRN 131: Environmental Science Lab-荣誉, 数学241:微积分——荣誉, PHIL 143:道德与荣誉导论, PSYC 130:心理学入门-荣誉, 和SOC 122:社会学概论-荣誉.

在春季学期, the 荣誉项目 commonly offers BIOL 135: Principles of Cellular and Molecular Biology 荣誉, 经济学231:微观经济学原理荣誉, REL 120:探索世界宗教, 社会问题-荣誉, 数学181:统计学——荣誉.

看到 赌钱app可以微信提现课程和项目目录 浏览通识教育要求的更多资料.

荣誉合同 are a means for honors students to gain more knowledge about specific topics covered in a class that is not offered as an honors course.

The honors contract should not be considered as a replacement for a course but instead as a stepping stone to the next phase of your education. 因此,这可能是一个机会:

  • 获得研究经验
  • 提高你的写作技巧
  • or simply to enhance your learning in a technical field where honors courses are few and far between.

The focus of the contract is determined in discussion between the student and faculty mentor and subject to the approval of the director of the 荣誉项目.

The 荣誉论坛 is a 3-credit hour course required for completion of 荣誉项目 requirements. 这个话题, instructor and meeting time change each semester to accommodate student schedules and address as many of your diverse interests as we are able. The class is discussion-based and students provide input into class activities and structure.

The course combines an emphasis on interdisciplinarity with an affirmation of students’ critical and creative thinking skills. Students can expect to refine their research skills and develop their ability to work in teams to offer solutions to intractable problems faced locally or worldwide.


在班级搜索中查找荣誉班级, 从下拉列表中选择学术术语,并输入“honors”作为关键字. 搜索学分课程时间表


大学里的领导经历有很多好处. Students accepting a leadership role in a student organization will refine their ability to work collaboratively and network with faculty and administrators at 赌钱app可以微信提现. 他们也会发展他们的自我意识, 人际关系及沟通技巧, 以及磨练他们的公民责任敏锐度.

One of the goals of the 荣誉项目 is to expand your horizon and challenge you to reconsider long held assumptions. We believe that such a tall order may be met by exposing yourself to artistic expressions of various kinds; this may include going to the ballet, 看戏, 看外国电影, 去看歌剧, 参观展览, 参加一个艺术家讲座或一个学者在校园的演讲, 等.

The 赌钱app可以微信提现 service-learning program defines service learning as “a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, 教导公民责任, 加强社区.” The 20-hour service-learning option offered by the 荣誉项目 is intended to help you gain an appreciation for the value of involvement in your community and recognize the obligation of citizens to engage in civic activities.

各种各样的活动可供您完成此计划选项, 或者你也可以提出自己的想法. The service-learning experience is coordinated through the High Impact Practices specialist, 梅丽莎·诺兰. 与她联系: mnolan13@anchoragedev.com.

如果您选择了服务学习选项, you will document your activities by writing a reflection paper and submitting it to the 荣誉项目 director at the end of the semester in which the service learning was done.

参观 赌钱app可以微信提现服务学习办公室 for more information on combining community service with what you learn in the classroom.


参观 赌钱app可以微信提现留学办公室 了解30多个国家的机会.

If you are working toward completing the 荣誉项目, you are encouraged to study abroad. 这种经历可以拓宽视野,转变观点,改变生活. Studying abroad fulfills one of your exploratory requirements to graduate from the 荣誉项目. 你可以在国外呆一个学期或至少一个星期.

赌钱app可以微信提现荣誉学生也有资格参加 公园项目的合作伙伴他们在美国的一个国家公园里生活和学习一个星期.

如果出国留学对你来说不是一个选择,我们鼓励你考虑 全球意识计划 由国际教育办公室提供.

在大学的头两年里,找到一份实习工作是很有挑战性的, 但它是如此珍贵! It goes without saying that hands-on work experience will allow you to develop and refine skills, 获得自信,从而使你在就业市场上更具竞争力. It will also give you a chance to network with professionals in a professional environment you have elected for your career.

相反, an internship may also allow you to explore a career path you had not considered or realize that the career path you had been considering was really not the right fit for you! No internship is ever wasted; in the best-case scenario, 你也可能得到一些直接的经济利益! 实习机会可以在当地或网上找到. 


还有什么比找到治愈癌症或COVID的方法更令人振奋的呢? 我们大多数人都不会有这种精确的体验, 但是在大学里从事研究, 课外要求, 有很多好处. 对于那些正在考虑攻读学士后学位的人, 你会想要尝试你的研究,而不仅仅是看看你是否喜欢它, but also because graduate schools will expect you to have had research experiences in college.

在大学里做研究是探索职业的好方法, 加强你在课堂上学到的技能,比如沟通, 解决问题或时间管理,并与教师导师建立牢固的联系. Undergraduate research may happen in disciplines across the college from Biology to Environmental Science to History or Communications.